
winter tea Learn more about winter tea

  • Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    As the ancients said, "Spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be delicious, autumn White Dew." Regardless of whether these descriptions are accurate, it can be seen that tea in different seasons has different characteristics in people's perception. People who know a little bit about tea are buying tea.

  • Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Discrimination of spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea

    Spring tea: due to moderate temperature and abundant rainfall in spring, coupled with the recuperation of tea trees in autumn and winter, spring tea buds and leaves are fat, emerald-green, soft, fresh and fragrant. In the literature of all previous dynasties in China, there are records of "spring tea is the most expensive". Summer tea: due to the hot weather, tea buds and leaves grow rapidly, and the extracts that can be dissolved in the tea soup are relatively reduced, so that the tea taste is not as fresh as spring tea, the aroma is not as strong as spring tea, and the taste is more bitter. But summer tea is high in theanine and caffeine, so it is suitable for

  • Drought and little rain damaged winter tea, but the quality of Nantou alpine winter tea increased instead of decreasing due to drought.

    Drought and little rain damaged winter tea, but the quality of Nantou alpine winter tea increased instead of decreasing due to drought.

    The winter evaluation competition of "Taiwan Alpine Tea King" in Renai Township, Nantou County was announced today, and the tulip tea industry won the special prize, which will be presented at the post station of the original hometown on the 12th. However, due to the dry climate and little rain this year, the overall quality of Gaoshan tea is not as good as it used to be. but also because of the dry and stable weather during the tea-making period.

    2021-06-08 Drought less rain winter damage tea Nantou high mountains winter tea quality but due to
  • What kind of tea should I make in winter?

    What kind of tea should I make in winter?

    You can make black tea, oolong tea, black tea and other tea. Among them, black tea has the function of warming yang and solidifying qi, black tea can nourish the stomach and warm up, and oolong tea can moisten the throat and nourish fluid. Different teas have different effects: 1. Black tea is sweet and warm, which can nourish Yang qi of the human body.

    2020-11-09 Winter bubble what tea is good yes brew black tea oolong tea
  • Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by dry leaves

    Spring tea: spring tea is characterized by tight knots, fat and heavy buds and leaves, rich aroma and occasional young fruits the size of mung beans. Summer tea: the rope is loose, the tea is light and loose, the tender stalk is thin and long, the tea fruit is the size of a rosary, the bud tip is often fluffy, and the aroma is slightly old. Autumn tea: tea is of different sizes, the leaves are thin and thin, and the aroma is peaceful, occasionally sandwiched with tea buds and flowers. Winter tea: the appearance color of tea is slightly light emerald green, the yellow piece of Mao tea is a little more, and the overall color is uneven.

  • How to manage tea in winter?

    How to manage tea in winter?

    How to manage tea in winter? Please guide the tea garden to sprout early in the coming year, more buds, strong buds, high yield, good quality and no pollution. Strengthening winter tube is the key to sell well in the morning market. With the advent of winter, tea gradually stops growing and enters a dormant period. At this time, the tea garden should do a good job in pruning tea trees, applying sufficient basic fertilizer and preventing diseases and insect pests.

  • Attention should be paid to tea management in winter

    Attention should be paid to tea management in winter

    In order to make the tea garden put into production early in the coming year, more buds, strong buds, high yield, good quality and no pollution, strengthening the winter tube is the key to sell well in the morning market. With the advent of winter, tea gradually stops growing and enters a dormant period. At this time, the tea garden should do a good job in pruning tea trees and applying sufficient basic fertilizer.

    2020-11-08 Planting tea winter management should pay attention to should be put into production tea garden
  • Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by brewing

    Distinguish spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea by brewing

    Spring tea: when brewing, the tea sinks quickly, the aroma is strong and lasting, the taste is mellow, the soup color is clear and bright, the bottom of the leaf is soft and thick, there are many normal buds, the veins are dense, and the green sawtooth is not obvious. Summer tea: when brewing, the tea sinks slowly, the aroma is not high, the taste is bitter, the bottom of the leaf is thin and hard, the "terminal bud is not obvious" is relatively more, the leaf vein is thicker, and the leaf margin is serrated obviously. Autumn tea: the aroma is not high, the taste is light and slightly astringent, there are many opposite leaves, the leaf margin is serrated obviously, and the leaf size is different. Winter tea: mild aroma and softer taste than spring tea

  • What tea is Big Black Leaf?

    What tea is Big Black Leaf?

    Big black leaf tea generally refers to the big black leaf single fir on Phoenix Mountain, which is a kind of superior tea. The production of Dawuye Dancong tea can be divided into spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea and winter tea according to different seasons. Among them, winter tea is called snow tea, which is the most intense and lasting aroma. Camellia macrophylla

    2020-11-09 big black leaf what is it tea generally refers to phoenix
  • Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    With the development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards and the deepening of opening up to the outside world, high-grade tea is more and more favored by the market, and the sales volume is increasing year by year. Therefore, how to improve the output of high-grade tea has become an important research topic in tea production. For this reason, the author has carried on many aspects of technical discussion, explored some experience, and achieved good results. The main links are introduced as follows: 1 strengthen the fertilization of tea garden in autumn and winter, apply sufficient base fertilizer in winter, increase the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, give full play to the spring effect of fertilizer, and make spring tea excellent.

  • What management should we pay attention to in winter tea?

    What management should we pay attention to in winter tea?

    How to manage spring tea? Please guide spring tea with good quality, large proportion of output and high economic benefits. How to make spring tea germinate early, pick tea early and go on the market early to increase the output value of spring tea is an important issue for tea farmers to increase the efficiency of the tea industry. The tea production before spring tea mining mainly pays attention to tea garden fertilization, tea tree pruning and freezing injury.

  • The results of the Winter excellent Tea Competition in the Great Alishan region in 2018 were announced.

    The results of the Winter excellent Tea Competition in the Great Alishan region in 2018 were announced.

    After 5 days of fierce competition, the results of the 2018 Winter excellent Tea Competition of Alishan Township Peasant Association in Chiayi County were announced on the afternoon of December 17. The special prize of Qingxin Oolong Group was won by Yipin Tea Industry Forest Art Proverbs and Jinxuan Group.

  • Key points of Management techniques for promoting High-yield Tea Garden in Autumn and Winter

    Key points of Management techniques for promoting High-yield Tea Garden in Autumn and Winter

    Key points of Management techniques for promoting High-yield Tea Garden in Autumn and Winter

  • The method of growing tea to improve the quality of tea

    The method of growing tea to improve the quality of tea

    With the development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards and the deepening of opening up to the outside world, high-grade tea is more and more favored by the market, and the sales volume is increasing year by year. Therefore, how to improve the output of high-grade tea has become an important research in tea production.

    2020-11-08 Species tea improvement quality method along with our country economy
  • Tea tree autumn and winter management "six-step song"

    Tea tree autumn and winter management

    Tea tree after a year of picking, the tree body is greatly damaged, autumn and winter if timely tending work, to speed up the recovery of tree body, cultivate strong tree vigor, to win the next year tea quality and high yield is very important. Therefore, tea farmers should do a good job in six aspects. One is autumn farming. Tea tree picked spring, summer, autumn tea, fully absorb the underground nutrients, soil becomes more hardened, if fertilization at this time, is not conducive to tea tree absorption. Therefore, after the tea garden is closed and tea picking is stopped, a shallow ploughing, loosening,

  • How to raise tea plum?

    How to raise tea plum?

    How to raise tea plum? tea plum is usually propagated by cutting. it is not allowed to blossom within 1-2 years after cuttage, in order to cultivate the tree shape, and it can only blossom after 3 years. In the management, we should mainly master soil, fertilizer, water and light. The rotten leaf soil with acidic, loose and fertile characteristics should be selected in the basin soil to be suitable for the growth of tea plum.

  • What is the method of cultivation and precautions for tea plum?

    What is the method of cultivation and precautions for tea plum?

    Tea plum, this is a plant, many people may have heard of it, the flower is really beautiful, is really super beautiful, tea plum farming methods and precautions are what

  • The computer can not only choose potatoes, but also grow tea rice. AI will grow winter oolong tea champion.

    The computer can not only choose potatoes, but also grow tea rice. AI will grow winter oolong tea champion.

    Minshi University of Science and Technology of Hsinchu County used AI artificial intelligence technology to guide tea farmers to improve the tea growth environment and the production and baking process. Unexpectedly, it unexpectedly won the first prize in the evaluation of oolong tea from Nantou Lugu Farmers' Association this year. People can see that computers not only "can pick potatoes, but also plant tea". In the future, they plan to use technology.

  • Identification of Spring Tea, Summer Tea and Autumn Tea

    Identification of Spring Tea, Summer Tea and Autumn Tea

    In winter, the main growth part of tea plant is in the root, while the synthesis of amino acids is synthesized in the root of tea tree and then transported to the top. After hibernation, tea trees store a lot of nutrients; weak sunlight in winter and spring and slow growth of tea trees are the main factors for the formation of some aroma substances in tea. Therefore, spring tea has the advantages of oily color, rich aroma, strong taste, soft and thick leaf bottom. There are general spring tea are relatively fat and heavy, more hairs, fine veins of the leaves, leaf edge sawtooth is not obvious. Summer, Wen

  • The flowers in the world are in full bloom, but it takes time to slowly boil the tea.

    The flowers in the world are in full bloom, but it takes time to slowly boil the tea.

    On the first day of the holiday, whether the mud on Phuket Island was blocked on the road or in the scenic spot. Shaoyao didn't go anywhere today, cleaned the balcony at home, then made a cup of scented tea and read in the warm evening sun. At the beginning of a little cool.
